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Results Artifacts Changes Started Duration Agent Tags  
#150 Tests passed: 49  08 Jun 15 20:34 54s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#149 Tests passed: 49  06 Jun 15 19:49 43s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#148 Tests passed: 48  05 Jun 15 18:23 2m:12s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#147 Tests passed: 48  26 Apr 15 18:52 55s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#146 Tests passed: 48  24 Apr 15 12:39 1m:14s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#145 Tests passed: 48  10 Apr 15 19:48 47s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#144 Tests passed: 48  10 Apr 15 11:33 47s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#143 Tests passed: 46  09 Apr 15 17:09 31s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#142 Tests passed: 46  09 Apr 15 16:43 31s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#141 Tests passed: 46; exit code 1 (new)  09 Apr 15 16:25 26s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#140 Tests passed: 46; cannot start build runner  09 Apr 15 16:22 53s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#139 Tests passed: 46  07 Apr 15 18:00 33s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#138 Compilation error: CorePlugin.Tests\CorePlugin.Tests.fsproj (new)  07 Apr 15 17:56 14s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#137 Compilation error: CorePlugin.Tests\CorePlugin.Tests.fsproj  07 Apr 15 17:37 9s buildserver None 
There are no tags 
#136 Compilation error: CorePlugin.Tests\CorePlugin.Tests.fsproj (new)  07 Apr 15 17:35 10s buildserver None 
There are no tags 

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